7 Tips for Small Businesses to Use Data-Driven Marketing Strategies

Big data is transforming modern marketing practices to target the audience with personalised efforts. Every industry has started its use to understand its existing and potential customers. They can now learn more about the journey of the buyers from the requirement to the solution.

However, it may seem intimidating for new businesses to use a data-driven marketing strategy. In simpler words, this marketing strategy uses existing data to understand customers and competitors. Gathering the data is more complicated than using it to run a personalised campaign.

Here, we have mentioned some tips for small businesses to use the data-driven marketing strategy to target their audience.

  • Gather a Team of Experts

Your campaign should create a team of experts that understand the technology and marketing strategies. The team will require data analysts, data scientists, data engineers, and marketers. You need to provide these individuals with the required resources.

There are various models with different team structures you can choose while creating a team. To save money and efforts, you can outsource the job of data scientists and engineers to some service providers. They will take care of the data collection for you to create strategies.

  • Find the Objectives

Once the team is assembled, you need to create a set of objectives to gather data. The amount of data can range in terabytes and petabytes. Therefore, you must stay precise with the requirements and objectives.

You can use it for numerous purposes, including reducing the bounce rate or some insight on the consumer journey. The whole process and its budget will be determined after the objectives are set. It is easier to take out private loans for bad credit with a budget in hand.

  • Use the Data for Multiple Purposes

Many organisations use a single source of data for multiple purposes. It will help reduce the data gathering cost, and you can use the time to increase its accuracy. Employees from various departments and levels can take benefit from the same data.

Therefore, enter the data after the research in a centralised system. Make access to the system limited by enabling encryption, tracking and monitoring features. The communication will improve between the employees from a diverse team with a centralised system.

  • Invest in Security

The data is incredibly valuable for your business, and you cannot afford it in the hands of a hacker. It may contain personal information about the business and its clients. You may lose the data forever if there is no backup of it.

Therefore, invest in the security system for the data in the centralised system. Set an authorisation level to the files based on the position of employees. Moreover, create a backup of critical information to avoid the disastrous situation of losing it.

  • Create a Dashboard for Different Data Points

You need to organise the data points to speed up the accessing process and to strategise. It is essential if the data involves numerous metrics and contributes to multiple campaigns. It will be easier with a tool to aggregate data from multiple sources in a single space to get insights and capture patters.

These tools will help you analyse and visualise from the enormous amount of data. You can use them in the next stakeholders meeting to give a detailed analysis of the company’s performance. You will have all the essential data and reports within a few clicks on the screen.

  • Clean the Data

As mentioned above, the data size after gathering can range from terabyte to petabyte. You cannot expect every bit from it to make sense. Therefore, it requires cleaning from the data scientists to find the required data from such a huge amount of information.

You may have to invest in a Data Management Platform to find helpful information. These platforms use data from various sources and provide a cleaner view with graphs and tables to the users. The data is now easy to interpret to make reports and strategies for data-driven marketing.

  • Take Customer Feedback

The processes involved in data-driven strategies are lengthy and expensive because of the data size. It may take weeks before the data is gathered and cleaned up for its visual representation. You may not find the insights helpful because of their use by competitors to reach the audience.

You can connect to the audience directly with feedbacks to improve your services. Ask them to fill some questionnaire or surveys in return for discounts. You will get the data instantly in a simple format to create reports and visual representation.


To sum up, data-driven marketing is the future of the business world with personalised campaigns. It will bridge the gap between customer requirements and solutions from the organisations. Small businesses should try to get an edge over the competition, including the big corporate with a marketing campaign targeting a particular audience segment.